Take control of your Hashimoto's journey.

Overcome the ‘hashi energy drain’ and reclaim your life.

Discover Tara Quintana's Hashimoto's Recovery Blueprint, where expert coaches guide you to harness your full potential through personalized health coaching tailored specifically for managing Hashimoto's disease.


Tara Quintana is known for being:

Creator of the Hashimoto's
Recovery Blueprint

IFM Certified Functional
Medicine Practitioner

Host of the Functional
Nurse Practitioner Podcast

Certified Wellness

Certified Nutrition

Holistic Health

Meet Tara Quintana

Creator of The Functional Nurse Practitioner Podcast.

Tara Quintana is a board certified family nurse practitioner and IFM certified functional medicine specialist who believes in utilizing functional medicine strategies in order to provide a more comprehensive approach for optimal health. Tara went back to school achieving certifications as a Master Level Nutrition Professional, Holistic Nutritionist, Gut Health Specialist, and Weight Loss Specialist to better serve her clients.


You don't need to
do this alone.

Empowering You on Your Wellness Journey Together

Personalized Coaching

Receive one-on-one guidance tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle.

Community Support

Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your wellness goals.

Holistic Approach

We focus on the whole person, integrating physical, mental, and emotional health.

Workshops and Webinars

Participate in interactive sessions led by wellness experts covering a range of topics from nutrition to stress management.

Progress Reports

Stay informed with regular progress reports to see how far you've come.


Regular check-ins and progress tracking to keep you on course and celebrate your achievements.

Some of our highlights!

Testimonials from past and present clients.

After feeling awful for more than ten years with intense anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, and multiple GI issues, and after visiting several doctors and even therapists, I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto's about a year and a half ago. Once diagnosed, I was prescribed the typical Levothyroxine treatment and told that was all that could be done. My thyroid would likely just get worse slowly over time, and there wasn't really anything else that could be done. It was just the way it is with this disease. Meeting you changed everything! Tara, you are so compassionate and empathetic, and you provided me with the education and tools I needed and wanted to feel empowered to manage my Hashimoto's and other related health concerns in a more gentle and natural way. You brought me so much encouragement and peace of mind. Learning to manage this disease is a process that takes some time, but for the first time in a long time, I am optimistic about the future of my health.

Amanda W.

Hashimoto's - Anxiety, Fatigue

My hormones were a complete mess. Sleep was an issue and I was having severe anxiety. When Tara did my timeline it was eye opening! I cried that day. Tara guided me through this difficult time and even though it wasn’t easy, my symptoms began improving. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I feel like myself again. I never would have guessed that the foods I eat can affect my hormones! Best decision I could have made was working with Tara.

Allison G.

Hormone Imbalance - Poor Sleep

Before I met Tara, I felt completely lost in the maze of managing Hashimoto's. I had tried everything from going gluten-free to adding selenium supplements, and even eliminating soy as suggested by friends with Hashimoto’s, but nothing alleviated my symptoms of extreme fatigue, anxiety, and joint pain. I was at my wit's end, confused and unsure about what could actually help. Then I found Tara. Her approach was different. Tara's methodical and personalized system addressed my symptoms at their core. Since working with her, my life has changed dramatically. The fatigue that once crippled my days is now manageable, my anxiety has subsided, and the joint pain that made every movement a challenge has greatly improved. I've truly gotten my life back, and I owe it all to Tara’s expert guidance and supportive approach.

Melinda E.

Hashimoto's - Joint Pain & Anxiety

I met Tara on the onset journey of my battle with breast cancer. It was a very difficult and scary time in my life. Tara put me at ease by providing encouragement and guidance to what my next year would entail. She also went above and beyond equipping me with nutritional information and suggestions to help with inflammation due to an autoimmune disease. I truly would not have had the same experience without her in this battle.

Janine B.

Breast Cancer

Working with Tara truly changed my life. After struggling with Hashimoto's for two years, battling relentless fatigue, joint pain, and brain fog, I felt stuck. I had tried everything from going gluten-free to cutting out dairy, but nothing seemed to make a difference. Then I found Tara. She didn't just flood me with supplements; she introduced me to her proven system that addressed my symptoms holistically. For the first time in years, I have mental clarity. I'm not just getting through my days; I'm thriving. My energy levels have soared, allowing me to meet the challenges at work head-on. In fact, my boss recently noticed my renewed commitment and gave me a raise, saying my work commitment is unparalleled. Tara’s guidance has not just helped me manage my Hashimoto's—it has transformed my entire life.

Cindy R.

Hashimoto's - Brain Fog & Anxiety

Before meeting Tara, every day felt like an uphill battle. As someone working in healthcare, I’m no stranger to long hours and high stress, but my Hashimoto's symptoms—constant fatigue, joint pain, and brain fog—made my job almost unbearable. I had tried numerous diets and remedies with little success. That’s when I found Tara. She was different. Tara didn’t just throw generic solutions at me; she meticulously crafted a system that targeted my specific symptoms. Her approach wasn’t about overwhelming me with supplements, but truly understanding and addressing the root causes of my discomfort. Since working with Tara, my life has taken a 180-degree turn. My energy levels have drastically improved, and the mental clarity I’ve gained has allowed me to perform at my best, even on the toughest days. I can honestly say Tara didn’t just help me manage my symptoms; she revitalized my entire approach to health and wellness.

Katie G.

Hashimoto's - Anxiety & Fatigue

Receiving a Hashimoto's diagnosis was initially overwhelming, especially after nearly a year of unexplained, extreme fatigue. My doctors suggested depression was the cause and recommended antidepressants, but I was reluctant to start them. My job performance was declining, and I felt lost and unsupported. Then I discovered Tara's program. Tara provided a refreshing perspective by truly listening and understanding the complexities of Hashimoto's. Instead of just handing me a bunch of supplements, she guided me through a comprehensive, holistic program that tackled my symptoms naturally. With her support, I've seen significant improvements in my energy levels and now feel empowered to manage my condition effectively. Tara's program didn't just help me understand my diagnosis—it gave me the tools to reclaim my health and my life.

Jane T.

Hashimoto's - Fatigue